Do it Right or Pay the Price (of Medical Bills)

When an injured worker receives a medically necessary treatment, the employer or insurance carrier is responsible for payment of the treatment when the claim has been accepted or established. See NYCRR section 325-1.25. However, when the treatment is not medically necessary or under the Medical Treatment Guidelines, the carrier can object by filing the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board C-8.1 form (a copy should go to the WCB, the employee, their representative and the health provider). Unfortunately, if the objection is late or improperly …

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Live Outside of New York? The Medical Treatment Guidelines Still Apply

In a recent Board Panel Decision, In the Matter of Hospice Inc., 2017 NY Wrk Comp 59513410, the Board found that the Medical Treatment Guidelines apply to any treatment provided to any claimant, regardless of where the claimant lives or where the treatment is provided, for treatment to the neck, mid and low back, shoulder, knee, carpal tunnel, and non-acute pain. Notably, the Board held that the applicability of the Medical Treatment Guidelines is not limited to treatment rendered to New York State residents …

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