Caring for Construction Worker Employees Could Lead to a Reduction in Workplace Accidents

At a recent OSHA training course, multiple construction workers expressed that their biggest concern regarding safety was associated with how their employer respected their own safety at a job site. If their employer respected safety over rushing a project and cutting corners, the construction workers expressed that they noticed fewer worker-related injuries.

While the construction employer may believe they are saving costs by completing a project quickly, this could cost more in the long run as rushing comes with a higher risk of injuries. As …

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Noise: How Much is Too Much?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 22 million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work each year. In 2017, employers paid $1.5 million in penalties for not protecting workers from noise. OSHA estimates approximately $242 million is spent on workers’ compensation claims for hearing loss. But how much noise is too much? When should you provide protection? And how in the world do you defend against a vague claim alleging exposure to “loud noise”?

Each time a claimant files a …

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Chemical Exposure Case!? Fear Not! You Are Not at the Mercy of the Claimant’s Physician

Imagine receiving a medical report from an oncologist that notes “myelodysplastic changes to chromosome 3 and chromosome 7.” Imagine further that you see such language as “cytogenetics” that reports “abnormal results,” or that both “monosomy 7 and fusion RPM 1/MECOM typically correlate with myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia.”

Imagine further that this medical report is attached to a C-3 opening a claim for a causally-related occupationally acquired cancerous condition. Certainly, the highly technical language of cancer diagnoses (in this case acute myeloid leukemia) is …

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